Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Heart to Worship

This topic is probably more dear to my heart than any other of all the numerous aspects that the bible touches upon and God blesses us with. To me, worship is the most wonderful act that God allows us to do. Worship is why heaven is going to be such a wonderful place. And if you don't feel that way, you probably have never experienced it the way God intended us to. Worship can be expressed through any number of outlets in our lives. It's not limited to just one or two. But within each one it allows us to feel the presence of God closer than usual, and to feel wrapped in his love.

My outlet for worship is music. My heart longs for opportunities to praise Him through song. I pour out to Him every time I sing or play. And the experience is indescribable every time. The closeness of God that I feel, the tingling of the Holy Spirit falling over my body, the joy that fills my heart, are all so fulfilling, and so wonderful, that I can't wait until next time that I can raise my voice to God. I value this experience. And what I value most about it is the fact that God hears me no matter where or how I'm singing to Him, and loves it just the same.

It's easy to open up to people who love you, support you, understand you, and encourage you. It's much riskier to do that for those who put you down, judge, and slander. I don't think I'm at a point yet when I can be completely open about certain things with everyone. I actually think it's unwise. But I will say this. In my life, God has taught me some serious lessons, and one of them was to value worship. Recently God has cut off every outlet I had for expressing worship through music. Some were taken away because of my sin, and I know it. (Although if you are reading this and applying to what you know about me... it's probably not the outlet you're thinking of and most definitely not the sin!)  Others were cut off through circumstances having nothing to do with me.

For the first time in my life, I am involved in no ministry involving beloved music. It's weird. That's the only word. I was ready to let go of every single part of it that God was taking away. And I'm having a great time figuring out who I am and who He wants me to be with no extra factors influencing my thoughts, analysis and decisions. But one thing God did not take away from me, and that's the songs. Every time I draw close to Him, He gives me one. I don't know why, for what purpose, or at what time He'll choose to use me through them. But I am praying for a way to realize everything currently playing in my head.

There are some things about worship that nobody can ever take away. It's the desire to glorify God through song. It's the realization that He hears us no matter where or how we're worshipping. I can't express just how greateful I am for that. It's the desire to be used for His purpose, at His time and in His way. And one to keep the heart pure, and open for Him to fill with song and love, out of the overflow of which we can love and bless others. It's the heart to worship.

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