Friday, September 18, 2009

Loving One Another

I'll make up for my silence yesterday (was being productive at work) and write two posts today. This topic is relevant to so many people, that I don't understand why this is still even an issue. An unfathomable amount of us out there doesn't feel comfortable around our brothers and sisters in Christ. I will admit, I am among the first ones in line. There's barely a youth gathering that doesn't make me feel defensive, and lost at what to do, what to say, and how to act. The reason I see behind this is simply the narrow-mindedness of people stuck in the same denomination, and sometimes even the same church, since birth. Don't get me wrong, they are totally loving and accepting. But only to those who think the same way and have the same point of view as them on all topics.

I think that it's incredibly stupid to think that Baptists/Pentecostals/Calvinists/Anythingelseists are the only collections of humans that will go to heaven. The irony is that all denominations actually think THE SAME in that respect, and only a select few individuals dare to have a different opinion. But even if they do, it's usually expressed in a way that clearly underlines the superiority of THEIR denomination. Knowing good Christians in another denomination is admitted to with a clear understanding that it will extract shock from co-denominational audience. And certainly as an exception -- not the rule.

Simple inconsideration is often passed for fervor to stand up for the truth. A recent example of that happened right in my backyard, when six Baptist men attacked my friend from a conservative Calvinist church about the topic of pre-destination. She stood her ground, and actually expressed joy over the fact that they are interested in this topic instead of a worldly discussion of jobs and school. But the fact stays the same. They ganged up on her, which wasn't a loving thing to do. It made her feel unwelcome, it made them feel uncomfortable, and it made me, as a host, completely at a loss for words and actions. True, uncomfortable topics need to be brought up. But such a debate as pre-destination -- unsolved for CENTURIES (probably for a reason!) -- was not going to be settled upon in a couple hours by the fire by a group of twenty-somethings!

It would have been much better if instead the topic we talked about was Christs' sacrifice for ALL of us. The forgiveness of sin, and the eternal life that He allowed us to gain through his death and resurrection. The topic that unites all denominations and that SHOULD be the main focus of any group of Christians coming together. It all comes down to that same commandment that Jesus left us in the New Testament... to LOVE. If we all remembered that when we came together, life would be so much easier, and everyone would feel SO much more accepted in the place where love and acceptance should reign more than in any other on earth!

Once someone told me golden words of wisdom: "Do not expect anything from anyone." They do make life much easier. But when over, and over, I go into bible studies, youth services, and bonfires expecting nothing good...  It's just sad.

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